Private Pay vs. Insurance: Benefits of Private Pay
Considering therapy and exploring your options can be exciting. However, considering how you will pay for the service is another crucial factor.
While reviewing options, typically you will see language about billing insurance (in-network) or private pay/fee for service (out-of-network).
One of my number one questions is, “Do you accept insurance?” This is For You Counseling is out-of network with all insurance providers and all fees are privately paid. Why is this? Here are some benefits of working with a therapist who is out-of-network:
You choose the therapist best suited to your needs rather than the insurance company telling you who to see.
Expansion of mental health providers in your area that specialize in the services you need.
Flexible scheduling and availability
No insurance equals less documentation. This results in more quality time to focus on therapy.
If your therapist is in network for your insurance and you choose to pay private pay, rates are reduced to match that insurance rate.
Mental health diagnosis is not mandatory and not submitted to your private health records.
More services are allowed without restrictions such as online counseling and tele-counseling.
No limit on amount of sessions or time of your session.
You are guaranteed privacy and confidentiality.
Stigma of some diagnoses can often be avoided.
Private pay clients are able to choose the focus, duration, and frequency of therapy. You are even allowed to choose the length of sessions.
Research shows that clients who have to pay something for their treatment have more positive outcomes that those who receive free treatment.
Sliding scale rates can be offered to clients paying private pay. This means that privately paying clients can actually pay less than those who pay with insurance.
You or your child won’t be labeled with a mental health diagnosis unless you request this type of assessment.
Insurance premiums and life insurance policies will not increase based of mental health diagnosis and treatments.
You won’t have to worry that your health records will be included in the MIB and create problems for you or your child in the future.
You will be able to stay with your therapist even if your insurance plan coverage changes.
To further support you, I highly recommend reading this article for more information.
(Information Credit - Courtesy of PAB Counseling